Friday, 28 January 2011

Boy and his Pram

So for the past two weeks we got to choose which subject we studied, I chose Illustration within the communication design block. We were each given a narrative written by someone else in the class based on a photo we were each given, so no two projects were the same. We then had to create an artwork (Illustration, Graphic design or animation ).
My narrative was about a wee boy with and old fashioned pram that had a doll and a teddy inside it. This was set in the war time approx 1940s. He was standing in a village next to a house with a crumbling brick wall and a washing line. there were also factories in the background producing lots of smoke so you couldn't really see much of the background.The boy looks very sad and its quite dull and sombre
My Artwork came about by much research and experimentation with different ideas. I decided to make the scene by making the houses, the boy and the pram into toys that you would be able to interact with. This I feel helps the viewer sympathise with the boy and want to nurture him and his destructed environment.

Monday, 17 January 2011

My Face.

So Ive inished my self portrait! (Thank goodness!!!) im pretty pleased with the final product. i added on some tabs at the top to hang it (not pictured though) and used the same coloured materials i used just to tie it all together.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

A bunch of random pictures from semester one.....

theses arent exactly my favourite pieces, but hey, lets put them up anyways!!!!!

The dreaded self portrait....the beginnings...

So ive decided to stitch my self portrait. heres just a few sketches ive done and two stitched portraits. im planning to make four and then sew them all together to join them. we'll see what happens shall we!!!